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Text File  |  2011-10-28  |  2KB  |  278 lines

  1. #TITLE=VBScript
  2. ; VBScript syntax file written by ES-Computing.
  3. ; This file is required for EditPlus to run correctly.
  5. #DELIMITER=,(){}[]-+*%/="'~!&|\<>?:;.#
  6. #QUOTATION1="
  8. #LINECOMMENT2=rem
  9. #CASE=n
  10. #AUTOCASE=y
  13. #KEYWORD=Reserved words
  14. ^#
  15. AddHandler
  16. AddressOf
  17. Aggregate
  18. Alias
  19. And
  20. AndAlso
  21. Ansi
  22. As
  23. Assembly
  24. Async
  25. Auto
  26. Await
  27. Binary
  28. Boolean
  29. By
  30. ByRef
  31. ByVal
  32. Byte
  33. CBool
  34. CByte
  35. CChar
  36. CDate
  37. CDbl
  38. CDec
  39. CInt
  40. CLng
  41. CObj
  42. CSByte
  43. CShort
  44. CSng
  45. CStr
  46. CType
  47. CUInt
  48. CULng
  49. CUShort
  50. Call
  51. Case
  52. Catch
  53. Char
  54. Class
  55. Compare
  56. Const
  57. Continue
  58. Custom
  59. Date
  60. Decimal
  61. Declare
  62. Default
  63. Delegate
  64. Dim
  65. DirectCast
  66. Distinct
  67. Do
  68. Double
  69. Each
  70. Else
  71. ElseIf
  72. End
  73. EndIf
  74. Enum
  75. Equals
  76. Erase
  77. Error
  78. Event
  79. Exit
  80. Explicit
  81. ExternalSource
  82. False
  83. Finally
  84. For
  85. Friend
  86. From
  87. Function
  88. Get
  89. GetType
  90. GetXMLNamespace
  91. Global
  92. GoSub
  93. GoTo
  94. Group
  95. Handles
  96. If
  97. Implements
  98. Imports
  99. In
  100. Inherits
  101. Integer
  102. Interface
  103. Into
  104. Is
  105. IsFalse
  106. IsNot
  107. IsTrue
  108. Iterator
  109. Join
  110. Key
  111. Let
  112. Lib
  113. Like
  114. Long
  115. Loop
  116. Me
  117. Mid
  118. Mod
  119. Module
  120. MustInherit
  121. MustOverride
  122. MyBase
  123. MyClass
  124. Namespace
  125. Narrowing
  126. New
  127. Next
  128. Not
  129. NotInheritable
  130. NotOverridable
  131. Nothing
  132. Object
  133. Of
  134. Off
  135. On
  136. Operator
  137. Option
  138. Optional
  139. Or
  140. OrElse
  141. Order
  142. Out
  143. Overloads
  144. Overridable
  145. Overrides
  146. ParamArray
  147. Partial
  148. Preserve
  149. Private
  150. Property
  151. Protected
  152. Public
  153. REM
  154. RaiseEvent
  155. ReDim
  156. ReadOnly
  157. Region
  158. RemoveHandler
  159. Resume
  160. Return
  161. SByte
  162. Select
  163. Set
  164. Shadows
  165. Shared
  166. Short
  167. Single
  168. Skip
  169. Static
  170. Step
  171. Stop
  172. Strict
  173. String
  174. Structure
  175. Sub
  176. SyncLock
  177. Take
  178. Text
  179. Then
  180. Throw
  181. To
  182. True
  183. Try
  184. TryCast
  185. TypeOfàIs
  186. UInteger
  187. ULong
  188. UShort
  189. Unicode
  190. Until
  191. Using
  192. Variant
  193. Wend
  194. When
  195. Where
  196. While
  197. Widening
  198. With
  199. WithEvents
  200. WriteOnly
  201. Xor
  202. Yield
  204. #KEYWORD=Run-time functions and objects
  205. Abs
  206. Application
  207. ApplicationBase
  208. Asc
  209. AscW
  210. Atan
  211. Audio
  212. Chr
  213. ChrW
  214. Clipboard
  215. Clock
  216. Collection
  217. Computer
  218. ConsoleApplicationBase
  219. Cos
  220. Err
  221. Exp
  222. FileSystem
  223. Filter
  224. Format
  225. FormatCurrency
  226. FormatDateTime
  227. FormatNumber
  228. FormatPercent
  229. Forms
  230. Hex
  231. InStr
  232. InStrRev
  233. Info
  234. Join
  235. Keyboard
  236. LCase
  237. LSet
  238. LTrim
  239. Left
  240. Len
  241. Log
  242. Mid
  243. Mouse
  244. My
  245. Network
  246. Oct
  247. Ports
  248. RSet
  249. RTrim
  250. Registry
  251. Replace
  252. Reques
  253. Resources
  254. Response
  255. Right
  256. Round
  257. Settings
  258. Sign
  259. Sin
  260. Space
  261. SpecialDirectories
  262. Split
  263. Sqrt
  264. Str
  265. StrComp
  266. StrConv
  267. StrDup
  268. StrReverse
  269. Tan
  270. TextFieldParser
  271. Trim
  272. UCase
  273. User
  274. Val
  275. WebServices
  276. WindowsFormsApplicationBase
  277. #